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CEO Msg To Staff

Personal meSsage from BHFCU President/CEO bob burrow TO STAFF - 3.23.20

  What’s “Good” about it? 

That might be a response many of you may have given the seemingly unending barrage of negative news streaming over every type of communication channel to which we have access. I know that we all crave “certainty” in our lives. I’m no different. Unfortunately, we are in a period of history that doesn’t afford much of that! I confess to be a very spoiled individual. I certainly can look over my almost 60 years of life and say that I’ve been spared many hardships that past generations lived through. I never lived through the Great Depression, I was spared going to the jungles of Viet Nam, and with the exception of losing my father to cancer when I was 34, I haven’t had to deal with the loss of family that many have. I still believe we live in the greatest nation on earth. The United States has been and continues to be a beacon of hope for the rest of the world. I KNOW we will get through this current trial we are facing. There are always positive things that come out of events like these. I am encouraged by the sense of teamwork and cooperation I see from you all. I know you are stressed but you always stay positive! That’s infectious! 


The Credit Union will be fine. What is MOST important is that you need to take care of your families, friends, and EACH OTHER! Times like these remind me that I am NOT in control , but I know who is. I would encourage you to continue to get close to God and He’ll get close to you.


Hang in there and God bless.




Robert D “Bob”Burrow, President/CEO

Bayer Heritage Federal Credit Union

17612 Energy Road, Proctor, WV 26055